Dry Mixed Recycling

Is your company seeking a simple recycling solution? Would you like to skip the hassle of having to separate recyclable materials, avoid confusing your employees, and save time?

dry mixed waste & recycling collections

What is Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR)?

This describes an all-in-one solution where clean, uncontaminated recyclable materials are put in the same bin and processed later at a dedicated recycling plant.

Once there, we separate these items for reuse, or send them for recycling into other products.

At Fresh Start, that separation takes place at a cutting-edge modern facility, designed to maximise the quantity of DMR that is recycled.

Contact Us Today


Whatever your business, we offer sustainable waste management and recycling collection services across various towns and regions.

As a carbon-conscious company, the environment is at the core of everything we do. Being a widely trusted waste collector, we understand our responsibility to both our customers and the community to minimise our carbon footprint. That’s why we provide win-win solutions by encouraging customers to segregate waste at the source, rewarding these efforts with reduced waste disposal costs.

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What Can Go in This Type of Recycling Bin?

Not every type of waste is suitable for this type of recycling.

However, items that we collect as part of this service include:

  • Paper.
  • Cardboard.
  • Cans.
  • Plastic.

To reduce the risk of contamination, items placed inside this type of container should be clean.

While a major advantage of single-stream recycling is saving time because you don’t have to separate rubbish, the process will only work efficiently if you remove leftover food or liquid residues, and dry containers before they go in the bin.

recycling container
food waste management & recycling collections

What Should Not Go in a Dry Mixed Recycling Container?

Examples of items your DMR bins should not contain include:

  • Food waste
  • Liquids
  • Hazardous waste (such as bleach bottles, paint tins or used batteries)
  • Glass
  • Crisp packets

If you are unsure whether a product qualifies as dry waste, then please don’t hesitate to ask.

Get a Quote Today

Once you make an enquiry, one of our dedicated team of Commercial Development Managers will contact you.

0808 178 1966

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Why Choose Fresh Start Waste Services?

waste recycling
Zero to Landfill Solutions
Carbon Capture Programme
recycling items
Real Recycling at our Materials Recovery Facility
waste disposal
99% successful attendance rate
general waste collection
Family run, direct collector in North West region since 2005