Recycling tips

Wishcycling or Recycling?


Wishful thinking that your mozzarella-stained pizza box can be recycled because it’s made of cardboard? That’s wishcycling.

We all do it, we make snap decisions about items of waste and place items in recycling bins with the vain hope that they might be recycled, when there’s a small unconscious voice telling us, maybe it can’t.

How to ensure items can be recycled

Knowledge is king here. As a business, having clearly displayed posters next to bins and stickers on bins is one way to ensure items placed into them are truly items which should go in there.

Additionally, many businesses choose to include all staff in training about recycling and encourage them to be part of the company recycling programme. It’s a proven fact that people are far more likely to implement a change to their habit if they’ve been involved and made suggestions towards how that change should be implemented. This applies as equally to recycling as it does to reducing waste by adopting a paper-free office for example.

wish cycling or recycling

Top tips for recycling clarity

Often recycling can be a confusing thing to get our heads around. At home or at work there may be different rules about what can and cannot be recycled. So, here’s a clear list of items that can go in each of your bins that Fresh Start Waste collect:

Dry Mixed Recycling bin

  • Clean, rinsed, individual items (not a box containing lots of other recyclable items) including tin cans
  • Paper
  • Clean Cardboard
  • No items can contain liquid or be contaminated with food

Card and paper

  • Clean cardboard, folded down so you can fit more in your bin
  • Paper


  • Empty glass bottles
  • Empty glass jars
  • Empty glass container
  • No full containers
  • No broken glass cutlets


  • Residual food waste
  • Plate scrapings
  • Food beyond its use by date
  • No food packaging
  • No liquids
  • No non-food items

General waste bin

All non-hazardous waste items which do not belong in any of your recycling bins.

wish cycling or recycling

How can I check how much of my waste is being recycled?

Fresh Start Waste provides customers with an individual recycling report which shows the amount of each waste stream produced (food, glass, card etc.) and the processing it received, as well as the overall recycling and energy recovery levels for each. This is available from the Fresh Start Customer Service team, or can be accessed via the online customer portal on the website

wishcycling or recycling

I need further support with recycling my business waste

So don’t be guilty of wishcycling and get your entire team at work to develop notices, strategies and posters near your bins as a reminder to everyone using them not to wishcycle! If you’re still unsure and would like to chat through any recycling queries, the helpful Fresh Start Customer Service team will gladly help. Drop us a line 

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