Case study

Joseph Holt Pub Group

Joseph Holt is an independent English brewer of beer, founded in 1849. It has remained in the same family for six generations. The company is based in Manchester and owns 127 pubs in Greater Manchester and the North West. Its beers are supplied to over 500 locations nationally. They wanted to work with a recycling focused company. As such, they opted to choose Fresh Start Waste Services.


The challenge

One of their goals is to make business decisions that always prioritise long-term sustainability and consider environmental impact. To achieve this, they aim to reduce resource consumption. Their strategy also involves achieving zero waste to landfills through environmental management and cultural change practices.

They have chosen to remain a loyal Fresh Start Waste customer since 2009. This is not only due to the excellent overall service provided. Additionally, the alignment Carbon Conscious Fresh Start Waste have with their zero to landfill pledge.

Joseph Holt deal

“When we work with a supplier that delivers not only the service we pay for but goes above and beyond to be flexible depending on the changing requirements of our business, it’s a great match. Fresh Start are friendly, reliable and provide a carbon conscious waste management solution. We are welcome on-site to view the operations and meet the team. This is always positive as it provides 100% transparency that what they say is happening to our waste and recycling really is.”

Stuart Chadwick, Commercial Manager at Joseph Holt

The solution

Initially, the move to Fresh Start introduced general waste, cardboard and glass recycling services across the group. As a result, a significant portion of waste was recycled instead of being sent for RDF processing to generate energy from waste.

Collaborating, Fresh Start Waste conducted ongoing waste audits. These audits revealed that food waste comprised a significant portion of general waste as pubs increasingly provided food service. So, in 2010 a separate food waste recycling service was introduced, moving Joseph Holt’s waste further up the waste hierarchy.

Joseph Holt brewery

The results

On a regular basis Joseph Holt are provided with a recycling report showing tonnages and the breakdown of materials recycled. This helps prove their waste strategy’s impact on sustainable waste management and zero landfill commitment.

Levels of recycling have now reached 63% with an additional 37% of waste being processed at an energy from waste plant to generate green energy, with zero waste to landfill as the result.

The reports are published internally with the purpose of obtaining further buy-in from staff in ensuring they reduce waste produced and place waste in the correct container to further maximise recycling levels, as they see the impact their efforts are having. The data also feeds into the facilities report to the Board of Directors, who are assured that the waste strategy is aligning with their mission.

Fresh Start Waste support the Joseph Holt Pub Awards, which further enhances the relationship with the staff, and buy-in to ensuring they recycle as much as possible in the correct bins provided. Additionally Fresh Start make regular donations in support of Hospitality Action which helps those who work or have worked in the hospitality sector, such as Joseph Holt employees, in times of need

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0808 178 1966

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